IBM is one of the high-tech industry leaders. At the end of 2005, IBM employed over 30,000 personnel worldwide and had a revenue stream of over $91 billion. In 2005, Fields Data Recovery began a working relationship with IBM; providing them with a data recovery solution for all their failed media. By the end of 2005, Fields Data Recovery had received over 15 failed hard drives, and successfully recovered 12 within a 4 day window.

Reuters is a global information company providing indispensable information tailored for professionals in the financial services, media and corporate markets. Their information is trusted and drives decision making across the globe. Reuters have a reputation for speed, accuracy and freedom from bias. Since the summer of 2005, Fields Data Recovery have received a number of hard drives and RAID servers from Reuters international offices, resulting in Fields Data Recovery becoming Reuters preferred suppliers in December 2005.

Lexmark International is a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of printing solutions, including laser and inkjet printers, multifunction products and services for offices and homes in more than 150 countries. In 2004, Fields Data Recovery received a hard drive from Lexmark International. The hard drive contained promotional data that was to be used for a forthcoming conference and presentation. Fields Data Recovery was able to return all of the data stored on the hard drive to the client within 72 hours.

TDK is one of the world's largest and most recognised brands. TDK currently employ is excess of 42,000 employees and has over 25,00 shareholders worldwide. In early 2004, Fields Data Recovery received a Compaq Server that contained two SCSI hard drives. Each hard drive contained numerous data files relating to the management of one of TDK's UK offices. One of Fields' data recovery experts was able to recover both hard drives and return the data on DVD to the users with 72 hours.

Hallmark Cards, a privately owned company based in Kansas City, Missouri, is the largest manufacturer of greeting cards in the United States. Some 50% of greeting cards sent in the United States every year are manufactured by Hallmark. In November 2005, Fields Data Recovery received a RAID5 hard drive with multiple bad sectors. Using various data recovery techniques Fields' engineers were able to recover the data and return it before the end user returned from annual holidays.

American Express is one of the world largest payments processing companies. The attributes that today are the hallmarks of the American Express brand include trust, integrity, security, quality and customer service. These same attributes are also demanded from all of American Expresses suppliers. Since 2004, Fields Data Recovery has successfully recovered various types of digital media from a number of centres

Hewlett Packard is a technology solutions provider to consumers, small & medium sized businesses and institutions globally. In 2003, Fields received a RAID array server from one of Hewlett Packard's UK offices. This server contained all the staff's data files along with the offices exchange database. One of Fields Data Recovery experts was able to re-build the RAID array system and return the complete system to HP within three working days.

Lycos is one of the world most recognised internet search engine and web directory. It was born from a research project by Dr. Michael Mauldin of Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in 1994. In July 2005, Fields Data Recovery received a Toshiba PCMCIA hard drive from Lycos' UK division. After successfully recovering all the data, the information was return within four days. To data Fields Data Recovery has received an additional 12 hard drives from Lycos worldwide operation with 11 successful recoveries.

Peugeot is a major car brand, which is now part of PSA Peugeot Citroën. In 2004, PSA Peugeot Citroën sold 3,375,000 passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, which represented a 5.6% share of the global market and made Peugeot Citroën Europe's second largest carmaker with a 14.7% market share. In early 2006, one of Fields Data Recovery's international branches received a failed RAID5 hard drive, which had suffered a motor failure. Using specially designed hardware, Fields' engineers were able to Recover the drive just long enough to recover the critical data.

Marriott Hotels & Resorts is the one of the most trusted names in the hotel industry; over the years the Marriott Hotel has built up a reputation for consistent quality and its genuine care. In 2003, One of Fields Data Recovery's leading engineers successfully recovered data from the Marriott Hotels accommodation centres. This hard drive contained all the current bookings, room account data and employee's personnel information.

Alcatel provides communications solutions to telecommunication carriers, Internet service providers and enterprises for delivery of voice, data and video applications to their customers or employees. Alcatel have global sales of €12.3 billion and operates in more than 130 countries.

Campbell's Soup is the world's largest soup manufacturer and a leading producer of juice beverages, sauces, biscuits, and confectionery products. Since 2004, Fields Data Recovery has received several RAID5 and desktop hard drives for data recovery. To date, Fields has been able to recover 92% of the media sent to our laboratories, and return the data within an average time frame of 72 hours.

With an annual turnover of in excess of £750 million, Princes' is the leading importer of canned food in the UK, the third largest soft drinks manufacturer and have brands ranging from Princes, Napolina Italian foods, Virgin Cola and Shippams spreads to Aqua-Pura natural mineral water and Crisp ‘n Dry cooking oil. In December 2005, Fields Data Recovery recovered all 30GB of data from a site RAID5 within 48 hours.

Electronic Arts is one of the world's largest games produces and have developed some of the worlds most popular titles including Fifa, Madden NFL, Medal of Honour, SimCity and Populous. In the autumn of 2005, Fields Data Recovery received a RAID5 hard drive with extensive head failure. Although the engineers at Fields were unable to recover the files require, the IT support staff were so impressed with the service offered that Fields Data Recovery instantly became Electronic Arts preferred supplier for all data recovery needs.

Proctor & Gamble employs nearly 98,000 people, working in almost 80 countries worldwide. Proctor & Gamble began as a family-operated soap and candle company in 1837. However, today the company provides many different and diverse products and services of superior quality and value to consumers in 140 countries. Since its launch, Fields Data Recovery has been providing P&G with high quality data recovery solutions. To date Fields have recovered over 20 hard drives for Proctor & Gamble worldwide.

LogicaCMG is a major international force in IT services and wireless telecoms. It provides management and IT consultancy and systems integration to clients across diverse markets, including: telecoms, financial services, and the public sector. Since 2003, Fields has received hard drives and other forms of digital media for data recovery including a number from LogicaCMG UK's headquarters based in London.

Marconi is a multi-regional designer, manufacturer and supplier of information technology and telecommunications equipment and services. During 2004, Fields has received several hard drives for its data recovery service. Most notably, in February 2004, Fields Data Recovery received a RAID5 from Marconi's wireless division. The hard drive contained a digital presentation for a conference 48 hours later. The engineers of Fields Data Recovery were able to recover this and all other data, and the presentation was e-mailed back to the user within 24 hours.

NHS Direct is a 24-hour nurse advice and health information service, providing confidential information on various health conditions, as well as providing information on local healthcare services, such as doctors, dentists or late night opening pharmacies. In 2004, Fields received a hard drive that was used to store all the call logs from one of NHS Direct's Call Centres. Fields' data recovery experts were able to recover all of the key data and return it to the centre and thus prevent valuable data being lost forever.

First is the UK's largest surface transportation company with a turnover of nearly £2.5 billion a year and some 62,000 employees across the UK and North America. In 2004, Fields Data Recovery successfully recovered key data from one First's financial directors RAID5s, all data was returned to First Group's IT division with three working days.

The British Geographical Society was founded in 1830 for the advancement of geographical science and has been among the most active of the learned societies ever since. The British Geographical Society is now the largest geographical society in Europe, and one of the largest in the World. During 2004, Fields Data Recovery received a 500GB Lacie hard drive containing key scientific data from a volcanic eruption. The engineers at Fields were able to successfully recover all 286GB of data and the information was returned on a new external USB device within three days.

Warner Brothers Entertainment is one of the world's largest corporations and is a fully integrated, broad-based entertainment company. Warner Brothers has built up a reputation as a global leader in the creation, production, distribution, licensing and marketing of all forms of entertainment. In 2004 and 2005, Fields Data Recovery has received and successfully recovered several hard drives belonging to staff in various departments of Warner Brother's UK offices.

In 2005, Red Bull purchased the Racing unit of Jaguar. During 2004 and 2005, Fields Data Recovery successfully recovered data for the marketing and accounts departments of Jaguar Racing and since the New Year recovered data from several hard drives from the newly formed Red Bull Racing.